Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Research for the second drawing.(Hansels and gretel the sweetest forest)

"Hansel and Gretel is a well-known fairy tale of German origin, recorded by the Brothers Grimm and published in 1812. Hansel and Gretel are a young brother and sister threatened by a cannibalistic hag living deep in the forest in a house constructed of cake and confectionery. The two children save their lives by outwitting her. 

            Ref. pics are from google
            The second painting : Hansel and Gretel 
            It's a drawing of the sweet forest. Forest is contained  with  candies and cake and the house is constructed of cake and sweets. 

The painting is on process of drawing and coloring. There are so many details to put to and I throw away the first painting(of Hansel and Gretel). Because I don't feel that I like that one. So I started on a new one and keep doing on this one as good as I can. I'll try to finish this painting before Sunday. :D

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